St. Mary’s Church Site Remodeling Updates
January 20, 2025

Vestibule/Gathering Area Reflooring
We have received notice from our flooring vendor that all of the materials needed to refloor the vestibule and gathering areas have been delivered. Consequently, we will proceed with the reflooring beginning on Monday, January 20, and anticipate having the job completed no later than Friday, January 31. Given this work, St. Mary’s Church will be closed from January 20-31 and the corresponding liturgical service schedule during this time will be altered as follows:
- Wednesday, January 22 and Wednesday, January 29: 8:00 AM Rosary/8:30 AM Mass moved to St. Peter’s Church site, Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction canceled
- Sunday, January 26: 10:30 AM Mass moved to St. Peter’s Church site
Come February, then, our St. Mary’s Church site will be reopened and all regularly scheduled liturgical services will resume. Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding as we continue to engage in such remodeling work.
Holy Water Fonts
Following up on last week’s bulletin notice, an anonymous donor has stepped forward to not only cover the difference of purchasing new high polish bronze fonts for $3,000 versus having new marble fonts made at a cost of $10,000, but to cover the entire cost of having the new marble fonts made. What a truly remarkable act of generosity in the interest of preserving the original nature of our St. Mary’s Church site! The sculptor who will be making the new fonts has been made aware of this extraordinary donation and will let us know when he anticipates them being installed. In the meantime, we will continue to use the baptismal font to provide holy water access. Our parish is truly blessed!