Faith Formation Events

Emmaus 90 – Register by December 9:Join us for Emmaus 90: 90 days to experience how Jesus draws near to you, speaks to you through Scripture, is with you always in the Eucharist, and equips you to join his mission to bring new life to the world.

. Register TODAY for Emmaus 90 and receive:
> A Guidebook Journal & Family Guide
> Daily prayer prompts
> Challenges to grow in holiness
> Livestreamed Formation sessions (and recordings)
> Discussion questions for your family or small group
> A community walking with you

Register by Dec. 9 to receive your Pilgrim Guidebooks by Christmas.
Get the details and register here or call 262-284-2102

College Connection – Pack Boxes on November 26 at 6:00pm. Each semester, we send care packages to our college students as they prepare for finals. If you would like to help pack the boxes, join us in room 145 at 6:00pm (Enter door 10). To submit a name or see what kind of items we need, go to the College Connection page. 

The Journey Middle School Bible Study December 3, 10 & 17 at 3:30pm. All 6th through 8th graders are invited to join us for a an Advent Bible study, a journey of hope, peace, love and joy as a way to enter into this season and celebrate Christmas in a more meaningful way. Registration is appreciated.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of All presentation on December 11 at 6:30: Our Lady of Guadalupe serves as a reminder that God’s call is truly for all times, for all people, in all places. Mary’s appearance to Juan Diego in 16th-century Mexico provides many clues into the nature of God and continues to resonate with lessons for faithful living. Join us for this powerful presentation from Al McCauley, Director of Adult Formation at St. Anthony’s on the Lake. Registration is appreciated but not required.

The Holy Spirit and Why Do I Need the Church, December 12 at 1:00pm or 6:30pm in room 144. Join us on the 12th as we continue our exploration of the Fundamentals of the Faith with a look at the Holy Spirit and the Church. While part of an ongoing series, all are welcome to join us for any of the sessions. Registration is appreciated but not required. 

A Season of Gracious Gifts, December 14 Advent Morning of Reflection from 9:30am-noon. Join us for a prayerful opportunity to slow down in the midst of this busy season and reflect on the gracious gifts of Advent. What is offered to us? How might we respond? Please register here by December 10 or by calling 262-284-2102

Youth Ministry Christmas Cookie Walk December 14 and 15.Save yourself from all that baking and support a very worthy cause by getting your bakery goods from our Christmas Cookie Sale on December 14 after the 4:30 Mass; Sunday morning (Dec 15) from 9:30am – noon and if there are any left after the 5:00 Mass at St. Peter’s. The sale will support the young people from our parish who will be attending the Mission Trip next summer. Cookies will be sold by weight and there will be lots of different varieties!

Mary & the Saints and the Last Things on January 2 at 1:00pm or 6:30pm in room 144. Join us on  as we continue our exploration of the Fundamentals of the Faith with a look at the Mary, the Saints and the Last Things. While part of an ongoing series, all are welcome to join us for any of the sessions. Registration is appreciated but not required. 

Ongoing Formation Events

CRE  – Faith Formation for grades K-10 on Mondays from 6:00 pm -7:30 pm. To register for the current academic year, go here.

The Chosen – Gather with fellow parishioners on the first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 pm to watch this ground breaking series and discuss each episode.

Scripture Study: Explore the upcoming Sunday readings each Wednesday at noon while enjoying a simple meal.

Children’s Liturgy of Word is offered the first and third Sundays during the 5:00 Mass at our St. Peter’s Church site so our youngest parishioners can more fully understand the readings at Mass. Participants will be called forth before the first reading and gather in the library to listen to the word at their level returning to the Mass during the offertory.

Confirmation preparation is offered on various Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm for those young people in 11th or 12th grade who are preparing to receive this sacrament

Faith Formation Events

A Season of Gracious Gifts

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The Chosen

You are invited to join fellow St. John the XXIII…
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