You’re always welcome here
We’re so glad you want to learn more about our church family. Whether you’re new to the parish, to the area, or to being Catholic, we’re here to support you on your faith journey. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions or needs after reviewing the frequently asked questions and other new member information.
Get in touch

The St. John XXIII family is always so friendly, warm and inviting.
Meet your fellow parishioners >

New to the area?
St. Mary’s Church, Port Washington, Wisconsin
St. Peter’s Church & School, Port Washington, Wisconsin
Immaculate Conception Church, Saukville, Wisconsin

What to Expect
First Time Visit – What to wear
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
What’s the music like?
Coming soon!
Teaching style
Coming soon!
CRE/Religious Education
Coming soon!
Family Amenities
Coming soon!