St. John XXIII Faith Formation serves all parishioners from our littlest ones to mature adults in helping them to understand what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Faith formation informs, forms, and transforms the person—whether child, youth, or adult—into a robust, vital, and life-giving Christian faith that is holistic: a way of the head, the heart, and the hands. We strive to meet people where they are at intellectually and spiritually through classes, Bible studies, retreats, service opportunities, special events and more.



An important component of formation includes intentional catechesis through our CRE program, as well as preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. In addition, we encourage our young people to participate in various retreats to help them connect their faith to life and to not just know about Jesus, but also to encounter Jesus throughout their lives.


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Justice & Service


As Christians, a commitment to justice and service isn’t just an extra thing we throw in there to be nice. On the contrary, Jesus and our Church commands us to see the face of God in everyone we meet and to help usher in the Kingdom of God by working as Christ’s hands, feet and voices in the world. As such, we offer a variety of ways to do that locally and beyond.



We come together as a community each week in the Eucharist and then we are sent out to be Church in the world. Our faith is a daily lived experience that sometimes requires us to step out of our comfort zones but also invites us to celebrate. We recognize those milestones in life and connect them with our faith as well as offering unique opportunities to rejoice in the gift of life.

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