Adult Formation

In response to our vision statement “Be Christ inspired, joyfully live your call”, St. John XXIII parish presents various opportunities all parishioners, throughout their life, to deepen their relationship with Christ and understand what it means to be called by your baptism to live a life of discipleship.

For those people who are seeking to be part of our community through Baptism and/or complete their sacraments of initiation, (Eucharist (Communion) and Confirmation), we want to walk with you on your faith journey. Contact Maureen, Director of Faith Formation, at 262-284-2102 or email to find out how to begin this journey.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

A process through which non-baptized men and women enter the Catholic Church. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults includes the celebration of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist, but also all of the rites of the catechumenate. To get started on the process, complete this form or call the Faith Formation Office at 262-284-2102.

Ongoing events:

Weekly Scripture Study: Join us at noon on Wednesdays from September through May as we explore the upcoming Sunday readings while enjoying a simple meal. Our discussions are done within an hour to accommodate those who need to work/attend other events.

The Chosen Watch Party: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays starting in September at 6:30pm. Join with others as we watch The Chosen series while taking a deeper dive into the Biblical correlations.

Speaker Series


Registration for the following events is helpful but not required. Click on the link or call 262-284-2102. All of our presentations start at 6:30 in room 141/142 unless otherwise indicated.

February 16, 17, and 18: Parish Mission “Church Fully Alive” with Joe Farris

March 12: “Strange Gods” with Al McCauley

Bible Studies

Whether you are new to reading the Bible or just want a refresher, join us as we dive deeper into several books of the Bible. Sessions are offered in the afternoon or evening in Room 145. Please click on the link to register so we can plan for materials or call 262-284-2102. If you don’t have a Bible, we will have some available.

Gospel of Luke: January 14, 28; February 11, 25; March 11 and 25 at 10:00am or 6:30pm.

Acts of the Apostles: April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 1:00pm or 6:30pm

Mornings of Reflection

Deepen your spirituality during the important liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent. Registration and more details coming soon. All mornings of reflection start are from 9:30am to noon starting in room 145:


March 22: Lenten Morning of Reflection

Faith Formation Events

Mardi Gras Youth Night

St. John XXIII Parish is excited to offer “Youth Nights”…
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An important component of Child & Youth Ministry is formation which includes intentional catechesis through our CRE program, as well as preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. In addition, we encourage our young people to participate in various retreats to help them connect their faith to life and to not just know about Jesus, but also to encounter Jesus throughout their lives.


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Justice & Service


As Christians, a commitment to justice and service isn’t just an extra thing we throw in there to be nice. On the contrary, Jesus and our Church commands us to see the face of God in everyone we meet and to help usher in the Kingdom of God by working as Christ’s hands, feet and voices in the world. As such, we offer a variety of ways to do that locally and beyond.



We come together as a community each week in the Eucharist and then we are sent out to be Church in the world. Our faith is a daily lived experience that sometimes requires us to step out of our comfort zones but also invites us to celebrate. We recognize those milestones in life and connect them with our faith as well as offering unique opportunities to rejoice in the gift of life.


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