Adult Initiation (RCIA)

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

A process through which non-baptized men and women enter the Catholic Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults includes the celebration of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist, but also all of the rites of the catechumenate. Contact Maureen Rotramel, Director of Faith Formation & Pastoral Care, at 262-284-4266 or email for more information.

Becoming Catholic

Seeking information about the Catholic faith will not commit or oblige you to become Catholic. We encourage you to learn as much about the faith and take as much time as you need to make this decision. While we love the Catholic faith and hope that you will also come to love it, we will not pressure anyone to make such an important decision. We would be honored to walk with you on your journey of faith. We would be honored to walk this journey with you. Please Contact Maureen Rotramel, Director of Faith Formation & Pastoral Care, at 262-284-4266 or email for more information and visit the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for an introduction.


The RCIA Process

Period of Inquiry

Inquiry Period is an informal time of initial questioning and exploring to give the person a chance to see if they wish to commit to the process (not to becoming Catholic) of RCIA. The first discernment is whether to enter the process or not.

Rite of Welcome

The Rite of Welcome marks the official entrance into the process, and the beginning of a relationship with the community.

Sponsors are assigned from the parish, which both represent the candidate or catechumen to the community and the community to them.

Catechumens are not yet baptized Christian, and Candidates are those who were baptized in another Christian tradition.

For Catechumens, it means three Scrutinies, where the congregation prays over them for their purification, and then their Baptism, which forgives all sins.

Final Discernment at this point means that they have decided to be fully initiated, and their sponsors and the RCIA Team agree and recommend them.

Full Initiation

Full Initiation into the Catholic Church takes place during the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. Adults and older children profess their faith and are immersed in the Baptismal font. Then, they and the Candidates, are Confirmed in the Holy Spirit, and welcomed to the Table of the Lord at Eucharist.

They are now fully Catholic.

Period of Enlightenment

The Period of Enlightenment is a lengthy time of deeper exploration of the Catholic faith and practice, which gives both a structural understanding of Catholic beliefs, and an experiential knowledge of our lived faith in our lives and worship. This includes both catechetical sessions: generally on Monday evenings twice a month, and Sunday mornings Breaking Open the Word (BOW), when we delve into Sunday‘s Scriptures and reflect on what they mean in our lives today.


Discernment after this period is more aware and intentional, but not yet final. The person makes a prayerful decision whether to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism (unless already baptized), Confirmation and Eucharist.

Rite of Election

The Rite of Election officially recognizes the progress of the persons and their intention to be initiated at the Easter Vigil. It is held at the Cathedral, where the Archbishop or Bishop accepts them into the Church preliminarily. Those who will be baptized are now called Elect, and their names are entered into the Book of the Elect. Early Church teachings held that if anyone died, especially for the faith, while an Elect, they would be considered part of the Communion of Saints.

Period of Purification

The Period of Purification offers a deepening of the person‘s spiritual life, with special emphasis on forgiveness of sins.

For Candidates, this means the Penitential Rite, where the congregation prays over them, and also their reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

For Catechumens, it means three Scrutinies, where the congregation prays over them for their purification, and then their Baptism, which forgives all sins.

Final Discernment at this point means that they have decided to be fully initiated, and their sponsors and the RCIA Team agree and recommend them.

Full Initiation

Full Initiation into the Catholic Church takes place during the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. Adults and older children profess their faith and are immersed in the Baptismal font. Then, they and the Candidates, are Confirmed in the Holy Spirit, and welcomed to the Table of the Lord at Eucharist.

They are now fully Catholic.

Period of Mystagogia

The Period of Mystagogia follows Initiation, and during this time the newly-initiated are helped to reflect on their experience and to look ahead at how they will live out their new faith within the community and beyond.