About Our Catholic Community
Joyfully Living Our Call
St. John XXIII Congregation is a fairly new congregation but with a long a rich history. Immaculate Conception, St. Mary’s, St. Peter of Alcantara, and Port Catholic School merged on July 1, 2016, to become St. John XXIII. To read more about each of the churches click on the photo links.
Mission Statement
To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through his saving death and resurrection by calling, forming and sending disciples to go and make new disciples.
As a people, we are called to encounter Jesus and grow as disciples through the sacramental life of the Church.
Vision Statement
St John XXIII is a thriving Catholic community heeding the Archbishop’s call to strengthen ourselves as a singular parish, embracing our members and continually assessing our needs.
Empowered by faith, we strive to more richly celebrate and proclaim the Gospel and encounter and serve others’ needs as a voice of hope.
We will achieve our vision through the following Ministry Goals:
Growing our Catholic Community: While we work as a newly merged parish, we will explore opportunities to further our mission and extend welcoming hospitality to all who join us while being sensitive to past practices.
Optimizing Human Resources: We will continue to evaluate and develop staffing to best support programming for our new parish, and engage our councils, commissions, sub-committees and ad-hoc committees to further the pastoral mission of our parish and archdiocese.
Best Utilizing Buildings and Grounds: We will focus on best utilizing and maintaining our existing facilities and explore options for better meeting our ministry needs.
Strengthening our Ministries: We will strengthen our ministries through guidance and dedication from our pastoral staff, councils, commissions and volunteers, and explore new ministries with an eye toward young families and the youth of our parish.
Supporting our Parish School: We will collectively work to strengthen and support our parish school, furthering its mission to provide a faith-filled education.
We dedicate our efforts to realize our vision and ministry goals through our ministry plan.
Become a Member
We greatly appreciate your interest in becoming a member of St. John XXIII.

Our Locations
Immaculate Conception, St. Mary’s, St. Peter of Alcantara, and Port Catholic School merged on July 1, 2016, to become St. John XXIII.