A Very Special Thank you to our Volunteer Cleaning Crew and to our Anonymous Lunch Sponsors

A Very Special Thank you to our Volunteer Cleaning Crew and to our Anonymous Lunch Sponsors

Fourteen volunteers arrived bright and early on Friday morning to clean St. Mary’s in preparation for the holidays.  We were joined by a wonderful team of new members who joined within the past twelve months and members who attended St. Mary’s Grade School!

There was dusting, vacuuming, wiping, scraping and repairing.  It was clearly a labor of love!  And when everything was completed the church looked and smelled beautiful!

Following the hard work of our volunteers, freshly grilled brats and burgers were on hand to replenish all the
energy expelled while cleaning!

Thank you to all!

Next on the list is Immaculate Conception and St. Peter’s–stay tuned…