Mission Trip
Thank You!

Make a difference by helping others through organized and meaningful service projects!
High School Mission Trip through Catholic Heart Workcamp
The young people and adults who care for them have unique opportunities each summer to serve as Christ’s hands and feet in the world, step out of their comfort zones and learn what it means to be a missionary disciple. By making a pilgrimage to a different city, living in community with other teens from across the country, powerful praise & worship experiences, celebration of the Sacraments and serving those who society often leaves behind, our young people grow in a deeper understanding of what love in action means.
Young hearts are invited to establish habits of prayer, gratitude, service, and faithfulness in Jesus Christ. Join us through your support as we celebrate the youth’s enthusiasm, force, and spirit and embrace their call to be servant leaders, not just in the distant tomorrow but HERE & NOW!
Traveling to other areas allows the teens to remove themselves from day to day activities and distractions and puts them into an environment where their faith will be nurtured through the people they will meet, the residents they will serve and the evening programs. In addition to service, CHWC programs involve fun activities, praise and worship music, witness talks, meaningful skits and special events such as Eucharistic Adoration, daily Mass, four corners prayer stations (with Reconciliation) and a night of reflection with the people they will be serving. These mission trips have proven to be a life changing experience for many of the youth and adults involved. We ask that you pray for all involved to have a safe trip and that the experience will touch the hearts of all concerned: those who are serving and those who will be served.
Paperwork to Be Completed
If you are already signed up for the mission trip, the following paperwork must be completed and turned in to the Formation office no later than April 15, 2025 unless otherwise indicated.
Camper paperwork
Liability Release – Minors (Arch) –
Liability Release – Adult (Arch)
Click on the links below to see our current fundraisers and/or to sign up for a fundraiser. We want these experiences to be open to ALL our young people, regardless of family financial situation, so we will make several fund raising opportunities available.
Love Begins Here
Love Begins Here (LBH) helps middle school teens encounter Jesus Christ through a week of local service lived in a joyful, Catholic community. Inspired by the life and witness of St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta, LBH invites teens to serve those in need in their own homes and communities, thus continuing Christ’s work on earth.
Help out at a food pantry, paint a fence, or plant a garden during the day. Follow that up with ice cream, swimming, prayer, and a ton of fun while making friends with teens from all over the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
St. John XXIII will be participating in the Pewaukee Camp from July 8-11, 2025. Participants are asked to pay $100 per person which includes the cost of the camp, transportation, food and incidentals. For more information, go to the Love Begins Here page on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee website.
Spots are limited so if you are interested, sign up today! (Scholarships are available if there are financial concerns – contact Lesa Staehler for information!) To sign up, click here.
Love Begins Here
Local Middle School Mission Trip
Mission Trip
Who should go on a mission trip?
Anyone who wants to make a difference by helping others through organized and meaningful service projects, travel and visit another city and region, or learn more about what it means to be a Catholic
Who will be going?
Middle school, High school and college youth from St. John XXIII Parish and other interested young people. Oh, and of course the Youth Minister and other adults.
What will we do?
Be part of the solution to poverty by helping those in need. Interact with other Catholic young people from throughout the country. Put faith into action. Witness our faith to others.
But how specifically?
Depending on the site, we may do light house repairs, paint, help in a day care, food pantry, soup kitchen, homeless shelter…whatever is needed in the community.
Will we do anything else?
Participate in praise and worship music that rocks. Laugh, dance and have fun. Have a retreat experience. Deepen our faith through the sacrament of Eucharist, Reconciliation and prayer.
Where? When?
Niagara Falls, NY from July 20-26, 2025 (open to current 8th graders and older) through Catholic Heart Work Camp.
How will we get there?
Specifically, by bus …but it will take more than that…
What if I can’t afford to go?
To offset the costs we will participate in lots of fundraising Pizza sales, Cookie sales, Soup sales, Stock sales, Letter writing campaign, Brat Fry, Kringle sale or contact the Faith Formation office for more information.
How do I sign up?
Complete the online registration form by Sept 24 with a deposit of $150 to guarantee your spot. Registrations received after Sept 24 will be granted spots if they are available. Register at https://stjohn23rd.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/214/responses/new. Do not let financial situations hold you back! If money is an issue, contact the youth minister, as there are lots of fundraising possibilities available! The trips have limited availability so sign up quickly! September 24 guarantees your spot – after that it depends on how full the camp is!
Is there anything else I have to do?
Attend team building/informational meetings on October 6, February 1, April 12 and May 19 and other dates as needed. Be an active member of the mission trip team.