Cemetery Maintenance

Paul Buser
Paul has dedicated himself to helping preserve first St. Mary’s School site and Parish to later assisting with the cemetery, the final resting place of our beloved.
While working for WE Energies, Paul assisted with a variety of maintenance work needed at both St. Mary’s Church and the School. Whether it was repairing boilers, or replacing the hammers in the bells, and the lights on the clock dial there isn’t much he didn’t have a hand in it.
Currently, Paul maintains our Cemetery, along with several other team members. When he started ‘back in the day’ things were quite different and “modern technology” was not yet used. At one point, during the winter months, when the frost layer could be quite deep, propane tanks were set up to warm the earth. Now, the process is much easier.
Some call what Paul does a ‘gravedigger’. But it is so much more than just moving dirt and if you spend just a little time with Paul you will learn why.
Paul sees his job as a true ministry. And he takes his job very seriously. Paul isn’t just digging dirt, he’s preparing the final resting place for our beloved, and then maintaining a beautiful, park-like setting for loved ones to visit.
In his spare time, Paul can be heard leading the congregation as a Cantor. He has a beautiful baritone voice.