Returning to the Distribution of the Precious Blood of Jesus

Returning to the Distribution of the Precious Blood of Jesus


Our Worship Commission has been preparing to return to offering the Precious Blood of Jesus at Communion time.  I am thankful for all of the new and returning Eucharistic Ministers who are going through some formation and training in order to make this happen. We intend to have one station for the distribution of the Precious Blood of Jesus at each weekend Mass.

If you wish to receive the Precious Blood of Jesus, you will have to make your way to the side of the church where the corresponding minister is stationed.  We are starting with one station to see how that will go, and if enough people choose to receive, we will increase the number of stations.

In the interest of safety, especially with an uptick in Covid-19 cases, we are taking this slowly.  Accordingly, if you are sick, please stay home until you are better.  Also, remember you receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus totally in either element – consecrated bread or consecrated wine.

Fr. Pat