Last Rites

What Are the Last Rites?
The Last Rites consist of a series of prayers and sacraments given to an individual who is facing imminent death. Jesus provided us with seven sacraments – Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony – to help lead us into the presence of the Lord.
Who Can Perform the Last Rites?
A priest’s foremost responsibility is to attend to the spiritual needs of their congregation. Caring for the dying is one of the most significant aspects of a priest’s role. While Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage are Sacraments that an individual Catholic can choose for themselves, the timing of our entrance into Heaven is determined solely by God’s will, and it is the priest’s duty to prepare us for this moment.
Requesting Last Rites
If you would like to receive Last Rites or wish to request them for a loved one, please get in touch with the parish office at 262-284-4266. One of our administrative assistants or a priest will be help you schedule this.